
Express reporter Chen Qiaoyan

Reporters learned from the police in Zhuhai yesterday, Zhuhai Nanping twelve villages a rich garden alley,T-shirts Hollister Homme Wave Crew Gris Pas Cher, the suspect Yang holding two knives hijacked a half years old girl, Zhuhai police after more than three hours to persuade the patient to no avail In the hostage-taking is a serious threat to the safety of emergency, to take decisive action, the suspect killed on the spot, were abducted girl rescued.

Two little girls neck knife rack

At 8:32 on March 19, Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau received a public warning 110 Desk, said residents outside the building in a rich garden Nanping twelve villages,, an unidentified man snatched from the hands of an old one the name of the little girl with two knives threats and holding the girl squatting on the ground in an alley.

Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau command center assigned Gongbei Branch of the relevant police immediately rushed to the scene disposal. Case raises Provincial Public Security Bureau, the Zhuhai municipal government and the Municipal Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to the Deputy Mayor, City Public Security Bureau immediately instructed Qiang,, should, under the premise of ensuring the absolute safety of the hostages, to take positive and effective measures to properly dispose of and immediately rushed to the scene, with Municipal Public Security Bureau in charge of the leadership and the Gongbei Bureau, composed of leaders of the special police detachment temporary headquarters, the direct command of case disposal.

Police rushed to the scene found a man suspected of hijacking the little girl in the alley between the two buildings in the village of Nanping twelve sumptuous garden, the two knives in the little girl cross frame neck, squatting on the ground, emotional Very excited,, hijacked a serious threat to the safety of the girl.

Scene, police experts suspect Organization negotiations launched persuasion work, but suspect the man was very excited, language confusion. The man had expressed the hope that the withdrawal of a police officer, let him leave, the police promised to suspect the man but did not seek to do, to continue kidnapped little girl. In the meantime, negotiators tried to ask what its needs, but suspect the man has not responded.

Unsuccessful negotiations snipers

Zhuhai police, after nearly three hours of patient negotiations to persuade, to no avail various rescue program implementation. 11:50 Xu, the girl because of age is too small to be hijacked for too long, in extreme fear, stop crying; suspects at this very emotional girl neck was broken bloody knife, their lives are more serious threat.

In this case, the police command ambush near Zhuhai two SWAT snipers to take action, the suspect killed on the spot and safely rescued the girls were abducted.

Girls immediately rushed to the hospital by the ambulance 120, in addition to the neck was cut with a knife the suspect, the body will not cause illness. According to preliminary investigation, the suspect Yang (male, 40 years old, native of Guangdong Xinyi, now account in Zhuhai Pingsha) history of drug use, has been sent to detention. 2-year-old girl was abducted seven months Sire foreign workers in Nanping.

Even men who robbed more than one child

Yesterday morning, reporters rushed to the scene saw the incident has been cordoned off. According to witnesses, around 8:00, a man is said to be due to theft, being chased by the local defense staff, in the course of escape hijacked a child, and then release it. After the man and from the hands of an old woman hijacked a child, an old woman biting a man arm, so the man put the child. When the man went to the village of Nanping twelve sumptuous Park,, alley, hijacking a little girl again,, with two knives mounted on girls neck, threatening other people are not allowed to close.

According to local villagers, around 9:00, negotiators arrived at the scene to negotiate with the man,, but after more than three hours of negotiations, the man has always been reluctant to release the little girl, the little girl kept crying. 11:50 or so, the police snipers while men inattentive, located on the top floor of the men's side of the residents, targeting men fired two shots, one shot hit his heart, another shot in the abdomen, the man was shot on the spot. Zhuhai police said, if not shoot under great threat to the lives of children, under the circumstances, the police decisive shot is in line with the relevant regulations.

Being chased robbery kids? Drug hallucination,

Police said the reason is still under investigation

Reporters learned that, for the man why continuous hijacked child has a different story. There are witnesses,, the man for theft, being chased by the local security defense staff, in the escape process, the threat of hijacking a child to catch up with staff. But the site also has Witnesses said the man because of drug hallucinations, feeling someone has to catch up, then hijacked a child, in order to get out.

Police yesterday said the man was hallucinating and abducted children to this argument, is unlikely to see the situation from the scene, as to why the man hostage-taking, police said the specific cause is still under investigation.