
Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter Rao new one

28-year-old hostess Mrs. Dan (pseudonym) last month in Guangdong Jiangmen Gladden Hotel falls, still unconscious, has become a vegetable. But Dan Wu denied the accident hotel is its staff. The day before yesterday, Wu Dan's family to Jiangmen Pengjiang labor arbitration department for help,http://swordfish.cool.ne.jp/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi, labor arbitration department, said the morning of the 19th of this month will be hearing the case. "Miss," "Mummy" These hotel nightclub hostesses in gray characters whether they are staff, our labor laws to protect the system can cover them? This caused great concern all sectors of society.

Event playback: employee contributions to pay the initial fee

Early morning of July 21 this year, at a nightclub hostess Jiangmen Gladden Hotel's 28-year-old girl Wu Dan,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, suspected drunken climb up on the third floor stair railing sliding down in the middle of the third floor and the second floor handrail unfortunately fall to the ground floor, leading to brain injuries,http://www.railroadpix.com/cgi-bin/photos/search.cgi, cervical, thoracic, multiple fractures of the left leg, then was sent to rescue Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital staff.

Currently, just finished intracranial surgery Wu Dan is still unconscious, although the hospital said it would not stop, but "at least more than 20 million," the surgery so that this poor family from Jiangxi despair. The hotel said Dan Ng as Peijiunvlang not the hotel staff, employees donated 25,000 yuan as an initial treatment costs Wu Dan, have been tried.

August 5, Dan's mother, Ms. Wu Yi Jiangmen Pengjiang into the Labor and Social Security Bureau, the staff responsible for labor arbitration admissible,hogan, the August 19 labor dispute arbitration committee hearing on the case of "arbitral tribunal Notice "handed Ms. Yi hand, only one arbitration content: whether the presence of Mrs. Dan Gladden Hotel labor relations.

Labor Department: never encountered a similar situation

Gray occupation "Mummy," "Miss" whether hostesses place employees? Once they had an accident, who is responsible for solving related problems? Jiangmen labor department official said that they had never before encountered such a situation. Jiangmen Bureau of Labor in charge of labor arbitration and monitoring of a Deputy Secretary, said that he has not been in charge of this work during the encounter such a situation,http://www.painting.net.cn/artbbs/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, have yet to follow precedent.

Dan's mother, Ms. Wu Yi Jiangmen Pengjiang labor department to submit a "proof" to prove that Lee proved his department heads through the hotel hostess introduced Dan Ng entry to the hotel public relations, Wu Dan returned to the hotel No. 126 provides a work cabinet cabinet. Wu Dan, after the accident, hotel security cabinet to remove her work ID and packet,http://type2mods.com/index.php/User:Uqt53w7y9w#gDmqAey6BR, handed the hands of the Metro police station,http://contest.japias.jp/tqj1998/10098/yybbs.cgi, July 22, police identity through contact Mrs. Dan hometown police station, and then find its mother.

Hyatt Hotel, the official told reporters that the accident, there is no official hostesses hotel staff roster, nor had signed a contract with any person hostesses. Hostesses hotel staff are themselves, their income from the guests to belong to hotel guests ask the hostess staff, to tip the guests are Peijiunvlang employer. The accident that night, Wu Dan's guests have been leaving, unable to find, so the hotel will be Mrs. Dan to the hospital and gave some employees voluntary contributions of money, the future can not be responsible for the cost.

Lawyers: the fact that labor relations have been formed

For hotel Peijiunvlang gray occupations such labor and social security relations, Jiangmen City, a reporter interviewed the lawyer. The lawyer said, "Labor relations in two ways, one is contract labor relations, the other is the fact that labor relations", if Wu Dan is the first day in the hotel hostess work to do,http://ahutol.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9865, even if the relationship did not sign labor contracts with the hotel However, the fact that labor relations have been formed, should belong to the hotel staff. First of all, the hotel offers to work (or service) places; secondly, Wu Dan from drunken falls to the hospital, this is caused because the hostesses. Wu Dan cards, payroll, uniforms, entry registration form, etc., can be used as evidence of labor arbitration, even if did not sign labor contracts, can also be regarded as sufficient evidence of the fact that labor relations. To this end,http://pocha-ham.net/bbs/bbs.cgi, China's "Labor Law" should cover them these populations.


Next to the provincial capital of East Gate Glass quarters empty space on a piece of humble, there is a plastic skin with a worn cloth and blankets fenced "human" shape simple shed, its owner is the one from Funan 70 year-old scavengers,burberry pas cher, which had no children, rely on begging and scavenging for a living every day. But in life there is an old principle that starve than to steal other people's stuff. The elderly and a belief that as long as their activities do not give the country also added burden. The elderly to the provincial capital Rangers have 16 years, according to the old man introduced during Hefei life, he has had some beautiful love story.

Scavengers and beggars belief that God is not only stealing

Old man dressed in very particular, covered nonstick dirt, wearing a cocked hat duckbill skin leather, unkempt hair exposed to the edge of the hat, and pitch-black face covered with greasy dirt, a pair of sharp eyes brim , looked very hale and hearty spirit.

The old man told reporters that he was Funan people, surnamed Liu, 20 years old is working on the outside, once south of Wuchang, north of Beijing, "It was my grandmother and mother at home there to feed, so to earn money to support their families." Later chance Coincidentally came to Hefei, now has fifteen years, and has been living by scavenging and begging. In life he had a principle that only picking and begging, never steal. "They are, after all, other people's stuff is kind of beside my threshold Cook I will not steal."

God's loving listening to the radio to listen to opera

In the interview, Liu Ye has been clutching the hands of a small radio. Liu Ye told reporters that this radio is he spent 25 yuan to buy, and to accompany him 10 years. In fact, his favorite is listening to the radio, because you can learn something every day national broadcast. "Opera, Huangmei, as long as I can hear opera," Liu Ye reported a few kinds of music drama, "Sometimes one on the ten p.m. and more." Liu Ye said that without this radio companionship,http://kaiblue-write.halfmoon.jp/Der_vergangene_Baumstamm_der_Mitteilung/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=290/;/, His life is the lack of fun, very lonely.

Liu Ye also told reporters that he has a hobby, just like drinking and smoking, alcohol drinking three a day, but a good drink, drink three dollars a bottle; cigarette smoke is not good,http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi, only smoke one five a package of one week two packs of cigarettes.

Lord fears fear from fire blustery

Located on Liu Ye Jianyi Peng quarters behind a piece of glass empty space,http://galleri.kjerringoy.no, into a "human" shape, with several colors on the outside is plastic Piemonte, which is very narrow,http://vote.qdxiaoluohao.com/dzx/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3110656&extra=, but deep into inside and outside two, Liu Ye jokes inside a bedroom, outside a so-called living room and kitchen. Shabby table placed in the shed door,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, next to the table as well as a soft seat of an old chair. "I recently had made an open-air bed, sleeping as much cool summer." Liu Ye, pointing to the side of a two-bed filled with debris proud to say.

Liu Ye said, he came to Hefei 10 years has lived in several hotels in the North Second Ring Road, Simon Tong Lin Quan Road and the station have lived in other places, just moved here a few months ago to come. Liu Ye said that his shed is very simple, he is not afraid of rain snow, wind and fire fear is because of a blustery fall easily shed, shed with plastic skin ride together easily kindled the fire.

God had been a beautiful story of love

Liu Ye young man not married, has been living a nomadic life out. Later Hefei, begging him, and a Granny next door had a feeling, living together for 11 years. Recalls that period there with life, the old man's heart gratefully.

According to Liu Ye recalls a summer morning 11 years ago, he just got up I heard a lady next door begging outside yelling could be spiritual reasons, so he cut half of the watermelon to the old lady eating, then the result is not the old lady called. Then he gave the old lady bought some breakfast. After breakfast, as usual,http://www.moking.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=555851, he pulled out a pack rat scooters go, such as noon came back, found the old lady sitting in the doorway to his janitor, cook, when he helped his old lady and pot roast. So like the two on, and who can do without, always wanted to go out every day when the old lady. "So we have lived for 11 years, his wife his wife, as the name suggests is old to have a talk with." Having said this, Liu Ye suddenly became very sad, "Unfortunately, last April wife away from me because of illness Finally, with the help of the area under the street, he gave his wife buried. "

God does not give pride burden on state and government

Although it is dusk, four begging, but Liu Ye their current living conditions are satisfied, and have become accustomed to this way of life.

"Like my age, no children, can enjoy the country 'beneficiaries' policy, but my body is still very good, but also to activities, so I do not want to increase the burden of state and government." Liu Ye told reporters , there is no home to their loved ones, only to have two broken houses, fields are abandoned, and so can not move old or sick,http://www.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/y-katuhiro/lightbbs.cgi/lightbbs.cgi, he went back home,http://hyougosoap.s102.xrea.com/cgi/j/j.cgi, admitted to a nursing home, so the local government to take care of.


Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Liu Guannan intern / Qi Mo) this year on March 9, Guangzhou, Zhongshan Road Greenery murder occurred,http://www.urbandead.com/signup.cgi, the newspaper reported concern. Recently, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court verdict on the case, the defendant Yang Yang was sentenced to death.

◎ cases playback

Police insisted on killing his girlfriend face

March 9 this year,http://www.avexnet.or.jp/misha/report/index.cgi, Guangzhou,http://www.fc-agency.com, Zhongshan Road Greenery restaurant. Corner of the window,http://hhbanzou.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=364724, a woman suddenly shouted for help, diners saw a man single-handedly grabbed the girl's neck, stabbed a knife in one hand,http://satodamai.com/bbs/honey/honey.cgi/..., and quickly the police.

Later the police have arrived, but look at the situation is unclear because the girl did not take coercive measures. Deadlocked for some time, the man let go, leaving the girl slowly and without a fight. However,
basket tn nike, health care workers approached found the girl had been killed throat.

◎ courtroom

"He can not, it is better to send her on the road."

Upon review, the murderer name Yang Yang, Inner Mongolia, 25 years old. Victims Xiaoyu from Henan to Guangzhou to work, they had love for two years.

Trial, Yang Yang confessed that he follow Xiaoyu came to Guangzhou to find a security job. But later due to the opposition of both parents, the two broke up in 2009. Then Xiaoyu has a new boyfriend in Guangzhou. Yang Yang thus produced a "he can not, it is better to send her on the road," the idea. Yang Yang claimed that there is this idea because they too love Xiaoyu up.

Day of the incident, Yang Yang a good way to kill the idea, he had made it clear to kill Xiaoyu on the phone, but there is not enough awareness Xiaoyu, the two then meet at the restaurant. Yang Yang Xiaoyu let the coat off, to align heart stabbed. Unexpectedly, because Xiaoyu instinctively Tuidang hand, the knife did not stab in the heart, then Yang Yang Xiaoyu pressed to the wall with a knife to her throat. Yang Yang said he was also about a new boyfriend Xiaoyu of the scene, "I want to see him,, because he was the two of us will be so, but the man did not come."

◎ court sentenced

Killer in court seeking a swift death

After collegiate bench, Oct. 15, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court on the case verdicts.

The court held that there is no dispute between the deceased and the accused feelings, victims have free love, no fault of the defendant Yang Yang is actually not a result of love and revenge killing victims. Although it is a first offense and the defendant Yang Yang truthfully confessed,http://www.mpage.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but Yang Yang premeditated killing of the victim and cruel means,http://xiren.info/comment/reply/1, when police arrived at the scene to persuade still did not give up crime, under the watchful eyes of public places continue to implement the results of the victim's death occurred. After the incident, the defendant is not the victim side economic damages, there is no repentance. Yang Yang of First Instance sentenced the accused guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life. Yang Yang while ruling families of the deceased compensation compensation for death, funeral expenses and other 41.9 million yuan.

After the verdict, Yang Yang said he had asked the police themselves shot on the spot by the police refused. He says that he damned himself, asked the court to be executed as soon as possible, saying not to appeal.


Life is short, to the number of 11 years? For just over two-year-old Yang Yang, this 11 years, a little bitter. Because her boyfriend young and frivolous, she could only spend alone.

Three years ago, Yang Yang's boyfriend stuff astray,http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~mi-mi/pangya/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=2954, embarked on the evils of drug trafficking into the abyss, was sentenced to 14 years. Yang Yang childhood have been waiting for three years,http://www.colors-st.com/mobile/epad/epad.cgi?del=46234, during which time they have not seen the surface. Because the sentence before the Spring Festival, Yang Yang decided to get married and stuff. Because only then can she the wife of this identity, went to visit day and night stuff.

May be due to the identity of the stuff now too special, they want to get a marriage certificate is far from easy, desperation, they contacted relatives in Hefei Jianghuai Morning News,http://bbs.cnw.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, want to seek help.

A one phone germination a thought

Three years ago, because of drug trafficking into the stuff. It is a felony, not immediate family are not to visit. Past three years,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, Yang Yang, the only stuff left in the photo beside miss when they come to see. Spring Festival is the most anticipated day of Yang Yang. Since that day, the stuff you can call home. For three years, Yang Yang stuff is always on time to call back, every ten minutes, but not too much.

Spring Festival last year, this call is very happy. "He broke up with me, let me re looking for a good." Actually, this is not the stuff for the first time raised. Two in the communication process, the stuff several times expressed this meaning. But this time, he was the first official opening. Yang Yang said, but she also knows her stuff is good. "But when it comes to breaking up, not always mind the taste."

Yang Yang said she did not want to break up. There are two reasons, the first one is the stuff in, and they both have been feeling very good. They started from the junior high school love, affection five or six years is not to say you can forget forget. Most importantly, Yang Yang know, the stuff that he is the greatest expectations. She was afraid to go, the stuff inside it could not get on.

During the Chinese New Year, Yang Yang, a bold idea cropped up, she wants to get married and stuff. Thus, not only the opportunity to visit every year, and expressed their determination to better stuff. "I want to tell him, let him take the inside repent, I will always be waiting for him on the outside."

B say contradictory, is that no one believed

Just had the idea to tell their parents when Yang Yang was reprimanded meal. Which parents are willing to let their daughters anxiously waiting for 11 years? At that time, Yang Yang, 34 years old, 37 years old stuff. Although parents had never agree,http://social.safealarmpr.com/index.php/blogs/21920/900031/i7014nht7f, Yang Yang still stick to their point of view.

Just Guowanchunjie, Yang Yang and sister went to work in Ningbo, Zhejiang, the sisters make money by selling clothes. Working away from home, which is so easy, especially girls. Whenever difficulties, Yang Yang tears hit the belly roll. "Sometimes, I am also very contradictory, often a person hiding in bed crying, let my sister know." You know, for a woman,http://reade.com, twenties was the best age, but only one person can be Yang Yang spend.

Yang Yang said she knows there are many difficulties to wait. "When he came out,air max femme pas cher, I 34, the children are the problem." Parents of that off, too, how,http://nenweb.jp/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, and relatives and friends, how to see yourself? These are thought Yang Yang.

"But thinking about him on the inside, I can not bear to look for someone else." In recent years, it was also pursuing too, and they can be Yang Yang has always kept his distance. "How long can I wait long, etc., etc. At least now I will." Said Yang Yang, licensing and stuff, but also want to give their own point of strength, so all the more reason to wait.

C True licensing, but not as easy

In the minds of stuff parents, Yang Yang is a rare wife. Zhang told reporters Eastern cousin, uncle, aunt talking about the most is Yang Yang. "They always say, to the stuff, Yang Yang eat a lot of pain the first time Yang Yang talking about getting married, the old couple could not believe."

Yang Yang said, not fake, she repeatedly asked Zhang to help apply for a marriage license. May ask the Civil Affairs Bureau, licensing must both be present. The stuff they are felons, how come it out? More than two months later,http://www.tukipie.net/camera/index.cgi, the marriage certificate has not been received.

"Anyway, we must end." Yang Yang's heart is very firm. She asked where the stuff Chaohu prison, saying that if the Civil Administration to people, they can get a permit in prison. "Now is the stuff home and the area of ​​Civil Affairs contact, so that they must help the busy." Yang Yang is now looking forward to, and the sooner the better stuff licensing. Only then, her heart in order to settle down. The reporter Fang Peng


"This is what people ah, for such a woman under the ruthless hand!" In Hebei Province in the general ward of a hospital, a patients said angrily. At 20:20 on November 21 Xu, deputy chief editor of the newspaper Le Qian Shijiazhuang residents living downstairs suddenly of the attack, was beaten seriously injured.

"I told you reported! Call your newspaper!" That's the name of the assailant side pursuit, while said fiercely.

Appalling scene: Le Qian right cheek bloody, blood kept flowing from the wound,http://www.mylasounds.com/wypj/node/24#comment-86773, spilled on the clothes. Mass on the left cheek and a large black eyes appear blue, wound lips are constantly bleeding, also surrounded by swollen, are very difficult to speak. Multiple injuries to her head too.

Had a neighbor out in time to see, the consequences would be disastrous.

After the incident, the provincial party secretary Wang XD Group, deputy secretary Zhang Zefeng, Hebei Province Journalists segment recorded a Chair and Vice-Pei Dong Yi went to the hospital to visit. West of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Branch Secretary Meng Jianzhong also rushed to the hospital about the case, and condolences.

Police said the nature of the attack senior management of media events is very bad, they will be investigated in the end.

Suddenly attacked, face, head bleeding

At 20:20 on the 21st or so,http://www.ismiletexas.com/node/1#comment-8073107, the music returned after shopping Qian Shijiazhuang City, a district they live. After the district security to find parking spaces for the music Qian,http://fwsc.wenxiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,escarpin louboutin pas cher, Qian Yue to return home alone. Le Qian in the cell floor elevator entrance waiting for the elevator, an unidentified man suddenly darted from behind, punched her head and face.

The face of sudden attack, Le Qian off guard. Holding food, mineral water and other items she was knocked to the ground, cover your head with both hands only, shouted for help. A resident of the unit on the ground floor open view after hearing cries for help, rushed hastily fleeing criminals, murderers used bricks were left in the field.

The assailant fled when the cell floor toward the cell outlet was found residential security. Residential security ran he calls the security guards at the door to intercept. After the assailant out of the cell, fled southward along the streets of China, the district security chase out two hundred meters after the assailant escaped.

After the newspaper staff rushed to the scene after hearing the news and was stunned by the scene of horrors: Le Qian right cheek bloody, stop the blood flowing from the wound, spilled on the clothes. Mass on the left cheek and a large black eyes appear blue, wound lips are constantly bleeding, also surrounded by swollen, are very difficult to speak. Yue Qian also multiple head injuries.

Newspaper Le Qian staff quickly rushed to hospital.

According to attending doctors, after the initial diagnosis, the right malar facial Lok Sin see "V"-shaped wound, deep bone surface. The left zygomatic hematoma, lower lip laceration 2.5 cm, deep muscle.

Criminals do not robbing just beating

According to Le Qian recalled,http://www.hao24.cn?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the whole process of the attack, the criminals just kept hitting her with a hard object in the head and no hands to snatch her money and carry.

After the incident, the reporter came to the scene after the discovery, Le Qian buy mineral water, food and other items are still scattered clutter in the elevator door. Because they were playing when the phone is not snatch music Qian, packed in coat pocket wallet, the assailant did not rob.

On-site survey of police told reporters, according to the description of the scene and witnesses, crime suspects is really just the victim of assault and did not commit robbery.

The man showed their say "I told you report!

Yesterday afternoon, Le Qian told reporters about the trouble.

"I was waiting for the elevator, and when I bent over to take on the moment of mineral water, feel dizzy brain, suddenly fell to the ground, cover your head, I feel there have been heavy Bash at the back of the head and I shouted for help I heard a male voice say, 'told you reported, that you reported,' I felt blood running down my fingers down the stream. "

Le Qian 2006 from Beijing Youth Daily to stone to Hebei Youth Daily work, busy with work, and not too much in Shijiazhuang interpersonal. Not only that, because as deputy chief editor of a newspaper, responsible for managing the daily news gathering and reporting activities, from daily newspapers to homes are basically two first-line life, little contact with the outside environment and personnel work.

"I'm not Shijiazhuang relatives, in addition to journalism, nothing social interaction. Said the man hit me 'call you reported,https://www.drupal.org/node/173662, that you reported,' which I think it might be a public opinion who Hebei Youth Daily reported that provoke it. Hebei Youth Daily, there are often public opinion and activists reported that these may lead to some people's discontent, but these reports reasoned, but also for the people to speak. "

The case occurred long ago, the newspaper had received threatening phone calls. November 7 to 14 am, a woman call our news hotline threat. The woman claimed that because of oversight newspaper reports leading to retaliation against the newspaper. Wiring reporter asked the woman referred for which papers reported that the woman did not answer reporters' questions, said a few hard words will hang up the phone.

If I go see a neighbor told, she did not know what it would be labeled as

"If I go out in time to see that she does not know what it would be labeled!" Tenants go see the incident yesterday recalled the night of the uprising, the still lingering fear.

"That people start too hard, is not you who had a reported move forward?" The household, "said reporter to speak for the people, the people support you, you also must pay attention to their own safety."

Security community say the newspaper reported supervise justice, did not think so arrogant criminals, dare to be personal revenge, hope the police solve the case as soon as possible.

The impression of security, Le Qian usually very gentle and polite,http://www.wowhealer.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=213327#p213327, often affectionately greet them hello. "That day, I opened the door for her, and she like before politely thanked me, and then loaded the bag carrying items out of the car."

Police investigations have established a task force to investigate

Night of the incident, the Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Branch Secretary Meng Jianzhong after hearing the west, immediately rushed to the hospital to visit Yue Qian and understand the case.

Mengju Zhang said the attack on the news media, senior management, nature is very bad. As the police jurisdiction, they will be investigated in the end. Regardless of where the case involves an individual or which units, public security will enforce the law, bring perpetrators to justice as soon as possible.

Currently west Interpol brigade has been investigating the matter. Yesterday, reporters learned that the Public Security Bureau west of the relevant evidence has been extracted overnight.

Stone introduces new police instructor Lin Zhensheng, west, west Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau of Interpol has deployed brigade and the new stone police handling the case jointly present west branch has set up a task force to investigate.

Provincial Journalists condolences to do a good reporter harder brutally honest

Journalists Chairman segment recorded Pei Hebei Province to visit the newspaper's deputy editor in chief was beaten and injured

Yesterday, the segment recorded Pei Correspondents Association and Vice President of Hebei Province, Dong Yi went to the hospital to visit the injured newspaper reporter, asked in detail about the injury, the segment recorded Pei said the newspaper run well, people will watch, people like to watch on the big influence If do some critical reports, it is bound to be someone uncomfortable.

"Do correspondent difficult to make a good reporter harder to say the truth." Segment recorded Pei said, the provincial Journalists Association will recommend to the relevant departments to effectively protect the rights of news reporters interviewed reported.

Night of the incident,http://forum.leggendemetropolitane.net/default.aspx?g=posts&t=403814, the Hebei Provincial Communist Youth League secretary WANG Xiaodong, deputy secretary Zhang Zefeng after hearing the news rushed to the hospital to visit. WANG Xiaodong, said the League Committee on the matter attention. Hebei Youth Daily is a vibrant, dare to play the role of the media, the League Committee will continue to spare no effort to support the work of the news coverage of Hebei Youth Daily.

? Collect clues to solve?

The assailant characteristics,http://www.fudabbs.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, time and route of escape

At 20:20 on the 21st or so, the culprit out of the cell door Sheng Jingjia Park, South Street, turn right in the fast lane along the south all the way to run. At that time a lot of cars on the road, the man in the middle of the vehicle back and forth interludes. Went to the New Stone Road and South Street intersection, the intersection of multiple motor vehicles, assailants disappeared in traffic.

According to witnesses recalled that this person wearing a baseball cap, between 1.72 meters to 1.75 meters tall, aged 30 to 35 years old.

Newspaper readers collect clues to solve the special hotline: ■ text / reporter Li Mohan clouds Gubei ■ photo / reporter Wang Yongbo


Anhui Fuyang:

A smoking cigarette factory workers with expired Flavors report for 7 years

Newspaper reporter Wang Guoqiang

Shen Zhengyi (a pseudonym) was a cigarette factory workers in Fuyang, Anhui, seven years, he has been in the unit have been used to report their own flavors and production of cigarettes expired. Because of his report, the relevant departments have been involved in the investigation and make a deal, but he has been dealing with the results "unacceptable."

Recently, this reporter went to Fuyang, Anhui, to investigate the matter.

Internal staff report for seven years, efforts to deal with dissatisfied

According said in March 2003, during a staff meeting on the cigarette factory in Fuyang, the plant leaders said publicly that the backlog for many years the factory, worth 18 million yuan of overdue flavors used in cigarettes inside. At that time the factory at a loss, the leaders said the idea is to "save costs."

Since then, Shen Zhengyi to the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Bureau of Consumer Protection reflect this, "they said they would be processed according to the procedure may eventually heard from since."

July 2003, Shen Zhengyi has sent a letter to the AQSIQ. Since then, the State Administration of Quality Supervision Law Enforcement Division forwards Anhui Quality Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision Bureau of Fuyang City and forwards, in August 2003, Fuyang Fuyang Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau began investigating cigarette factory flavor problem.

said that when he later asked to call the case, a person in charge of the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau said to him, flavor is expired, but after testing, the quality is qualified, but also did not run out of the remaining 11 tons, had told Fuyang Tobacco Factory Do not reuse it.

The results of this treatment, Shen Zhengyi said "unacceptable."

Then, in 2004, Shen Zhengyi continue to AQSIQ, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau to reflect this. August 2004, the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau staff reply, he said: because the law does not specify the country can not produce cigarette flavors expired, so we can not deal with the associated cigarette factory in Fuyang.

So far,air jordan femme, Shen Zhengyi still report the matter to all the relevant units. The idea is: Fuyang cigarette factory since expired flavors made of 11 tons scrap processing, quality of flavor is a problem, the use of flavors and production of cigarettes, why not be held responsible of the factory? If the quality of flavor is qualified, why did not allow the use of tobacco factory in Fuyang?

Tobacco Factory is not for whistleblowers "retaliation"

May 19,http://www.kuucity.com/turn.php?url=/home.php&mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, this reporter went to Fuyang Cigarette Factory, Tobacco Factory, responsible person briefed reporters on the situation.

It is understood that the current leadership tobacco factory, and then compared to the adjustment has been great, but keep the informer "duplicate reports," In recent years there have been various departments of the people came to ask,http://www.painting.net.cn/artbbs/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, there are some media to interview before, so they know this matter.

Tobacco Factory, told reporters that a responsible person, for the matter, the relevant departments have conducted rigorous investigations in 2003,http://www.wanzhuan178.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=61982&extra=, and made a deal.

Another deputy director, told reporters that the flavor was through strict testing and technical centers Tobacco Factory smoking that qualified, so put into use. With this flavor production of "tripods" brand cigarettes, and later to stop production because of brand integration, but it was the tobacco industry products in the provincial supervision and inspection, testing also qualified.

For the name of an internal whistleblower, cigarette factory official said, due to years of continued reports, the factory workers who have been identified as the plant supervisor Fuyang City discipline inspection and supervision departments and departments has conducted in 2005 to find their conversation, but the smoke Never plant them any "retaliation."

Why are not satisfied with the results then the whistleblower has been the case? Tobacco Factory a responsible person to make such a guess: It may be the year due to the personnel system reform, there will always be a part of workers from a personal point of view, complaining, and therefore some special situations.

The official said the Tobacco Factory, Tobacco Factory, after all, is a state-owned enterprise, with the market purely for profit enterprises compared to, or different, there is no need to use inferior raw materials to reduce costs and thus profits.

Expired flavor quality standards

The reporter found that, when the case of the core,http://bbs.ithome.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a number of "99318 #" The tobacco flavor. The case subject to a number of departments from the central to local concern and investigation, and ultimately, the specific investigation by the Fuyang City Bureau of Quality Supervision and make conclusions.

May 19, this reporter went to Fuyang Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, to understand the specific handling of the situation at that time.

According to reports, August 12, 2003, Fuyang City, Anhui Province Bureau of Quality Supervision Bureau received a forwarded the "Report Fuyang cigarette factory use inferior flavor" after transfer to a single report to the mayor in charge of Fuyang City, made a report, and set up a task force led by the Bureau, stationed in Fuyang day cigarette factory for investigation.

At that time, the panel found that the flavors and fragrances in the factory library, but also kept the 2920 kg "99318 #" tobacco flavor, mark the production date of November 10, 1999, the shelf life of 12 months, a company Zhuhai production. On the flavor of identification cards, notes, part of "retirement" word, but the product from December 31, 2002 balances between 3600 kg to August 4, 2003, issue of the month has a different number.

In addition, the survey showed that in July 2002, before the use of expired flavor tobacco factory, "99318 #" flavor of the stock is 4080 kg.

Reporter estimates, if the task force in August 2003 was found in the stock, with July 2002 the stock of this flavor subtract one year was reduced by approximately 1,160 kg. Technical personnel in accordance with said cigarette factory, then flavor probably tens of dollars to the price of 100 yuan per kilogram, these flavors is probably worth about 100,000 yuan, 18 million yuan with the informants said are far away.

Shen Zhengyi said,http://www.mydiyclub.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "the value of 18 million yuan," saying that is the cigarette factory leaders say in public, but he did not provide evidence.

Task force was also found, Tobacco Factory flavors made with scrap lag period of 21 species, more than 19 tons. In the newspaper plant waste repository found left there eight varieties, multi-eight tons of flavor, plus the use of "99318 #" flavor, a total of 11 tons and more. However, except "# 99318",http://www.mpage.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and using a large stock of flavor,http://www.caihongjun.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the remaining unused basic flavors.

Subsequently, the task force will "99318 #" Flavors cosmetic samples sent to the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.

September 2003,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the task force received the test center to return "99318 #" flavor of the inspection report, the report shows, eight targets to be detected all qualified.

Make Fuyang Bureau of Quality Supervision concluded that the use of the cigarette factory in Fuyang raw materials over the shelf life of the product into production, but "99318 #" Flavor is qualified, and into the "new generation tripods' cigarette production, finished products but also by the test qualified. "The competent authorities on whether to allow the use of more than the shelf life of raw materials for production and no specific provisions. Therefore the task force believes that the use of substandard or even cigarette factory in Fuyang inferior raw materials production, insufficient evidence, it can not be processed."

As a result, cigarette factory in Fuyang were ordered to stop the use of ultra shelf life of "99318 #" tobacco flavor. However, the quality supervision departments also suggested that the tobacco industry authorities to make specific provisions to deal with such situations.


After yesterday afternoon, watching the scenery is the bridge he was building the road Zhuzhou Lusong Public Security Bureau police station two police officers "arrest" - Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Factory workers after 27-year-old Li Chunming perhaps no longer dare to watch the scenery in Zhuzhou Bridge multiple body injuries. Later, the construction of Road police station explained that this was a "false grip" event.

Last night, Jackie Lee told reporters recalled the scene when looked woodenly, his voice shaking. He said 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after he Tianyuan supermarket near a ticket outlets bought tickets, see the good weather, decided to walk stroll around. "I was sitting on the bridge watching the following vessels Zhuzhou,tiffany outlet,http://www.hyzaarhjisa.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, suddenly two men in civilian clothes came to me to show a bit Jing Guanzheng, you should pay attention to me." He immediately confessed their workers Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Works, but the other did not check his credentials, clinch up on him.

"I had tried to struggle,http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~oreades/huruhonyameguri/joyful.cgi, they put me on the bridge by beating me with a belt and tied to the railing." Because the other side did not uniformed, Li Chunming thought he met the robbers, so the people around shouting: "Quick call 110 ah, I was Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Factory workers! "Subsequently, Li Chunming was brought to the construction of a police car Road police station. "They put me in the interrogation room handcuffed to the railing, a policeman took my documents out for a while. Immediately, he came back and smoked my two ears, and told me not to talk nonsense. Finally,http://enjoy.pial.jp/~easthill/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi%3Fpage=30&bl=0%2520result:%2520chosen%2520nickname+/nflcheapjerseys.skyrock.com/yybbs.cgi?mode=howto, the construction of Road police station Zousuo Zhang View my documents only after me open handcuffs. "

Reporters saw the words below Zhuzhou City People's Hospital medical records issued by Li Chunming: "multiple body parts were wounded ...... right shoulder and right back multiple abrasions, bruising back left hip subcutaneous bloodstain ......"

8 o'clock in the evening, the reporter went to the construction of Road police station, but a deputy director on duty declined to relevant circumstances. Subsequently,http://bbs.cnw.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the reporter contacted the telephone by Zousuo Chang. He said that indeed "mistakenly arrested" because at that time there was a telecommunications building near "wins bag" case,http://cgi.www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~hooligan/cgi-bin/yybbs.cgi/mailto:winmelsnesco1971, when two police chase along the direction of the masses of the guidelines,http://www.earthcafe.jp/bbs/mono-w.cgi, the bridge will be in Zhuzhou Li Chunming as a fugitive. "Hit things do not exist, but in the arrest process,, because the other revolt which led to some bruising, which is understandable.

also said was mistakenly arrested in the clear after he has apologized on behalf of two police to Li Chunming. Coordinated treatment next Monday,http://silverkids.web.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/calendar022/schedule.cgi, "We will be reasonable and legitimate compensation within the scope." (Zhuzhou Times Hsia)