
"This is what people ah, for such a woman under the ruthless hand!" In Hebei Province in the general ward of a hospital, a patients said angrily. At 20:20 on November 21 Xu, deputy chief editor of the newspaper Le Qian Shijiazhuang residents living downstairs suddenly of the attack, was beaten seriously injured.

"I told you reported! Call your newspaper!" That's the name of the assailant side pursuit, while said fiercely.

Appalling scene: Le Qian right cheek bloody, blood kept flowing from the wound,http://www.mylasounds.com/wypj/node/24#comment-86773, spilled on the clothes. Mass on the left cheek and a large black eyes appear blue, wound lips are constantly bleeding, also surrounded by swollen, are very difficult to speak. Multiple injuries to her head too.

Had a neighbor out in time to see, the consequences would be disastrous.

After the incident, the provincial party secretary Wang XD Group, deputy secretary Zhang Zefeng, Hebei Province Journalists segment recorded a Chair and Vice-Pei Dong Yi went to the hospital to visit. West of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Branch Secretary Meng Jianzhong also rushed to the hospital about the case, and condolences.

Police said the nature of the attack senior management of media events is very bad, they will be investigated in the end.

Suddenly attacked, face, head bleeding

At 20:20 on the 21st or so,http://www.ismiletexas.com/node/1#comment-8073107, the music returned after shopping Qian Shijiazhuang City, a district they live. After the district security to find parking spaces for the music Qian,http://fwsc.wenxiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,escarpin louboutin pas cher, Qian Yue to return home alone. Le Qian in the cell floor elevator entrance waiting for the elevator, an unidentified man suddenly darted from behind, punched her head and face.

The face of sudden attack, Le Qian off guard. Holding food, mineral water and other items she was knocked to the ground, cover your head with both hands only, shouted for help. A resident of the unit on the ground floor open view after hearing cries for help, rushed hastily fleeing criminals, murderers used bricks were left in the field.

The assailant fled when the cell floor toward the cell outlet was found residential security. Residential security ran he calls the security guards at the door to intercept. After the assailant out of the cell, fled southward along the streets of China, the district security chase out two hundred meters after the assailant escaped.

After the newspaper staff rushed to the scene after hearing the news and was stunned by the scene of horrors: Le Qian right cheek bloody, stop the blood flowing from the wound, spilled on the clothes. Mass on the left cheek and a large black eyes appear blue, wound lips are constantly bleeding, also surrounded by swollen, are very difficult to speak. Yue Qian also multiple head injuries.

Newspaper Le Qian staff quickly rushed to hospital.

According to attending doctors, after the initial diagnosis, the right malar facial Lok Sin see "V"-shaped wound, deep bone surface. The left zygomatic hematoma, lower lip laceration 2.5 cm, deep muscle.

Criminals do not robbing just beating

According to Le Qian recalled,http://www.hao24.cn?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the whole process of the attack, the criminals just kept hitting her with a hard object in the head and no hands to snatch her money and carry.

After the incident, the reporter came to the scene after the discovery, Le Qian buy mineral water, food and other items are still scattered clutter in the elevator door. Because they were playing when the phone is not snatch music Qian, packed in coat pocket wallet, the assailant did not rob.

On-site survey of police told reporters, according to the description of the scene and witnesses, crime suspects is really just the victim of assault and did not commit robbery.

The man showed their say "I told you report!

Yesterday afternoon, Le Qian told reporters about the trouble.

"I was waiting for the elevator, and when I bent over to take on the moment of mineral water, feel dizzy brain, suddenly fell to the ground, cover your head, I feel there have been heavy Bash at the back of the head and I shouted for help I heard a male voice say, 'told you reported, that you reported,' I felt blood running down my fingers down the stream. "

Le Qian 2006 from Beijing Youth Daily to stone to Hebei Youth Daily work, busy with work, and not too much in Shijiazhuang interpersonal. Not only that, because as deputy chief editor of a newspaper, responsible for managing the daily news gathering and reporting activities, from daily newspapers to homes are basically two first-line life, little contact with the outside environment and personnel work.

"I'm not Shijiazhuang relatives, in addition to journalism, nothing social interaction. Said the man hit me 'call you reported,https://www.drupal.org/node/173662, that you reported,' which I think it might be a public opinion who Hebei Youth Daily reported that provoke it. Hebei Youth Daily, there are often public opinion and activists reported that these may lead to some people's discontent, but these reports reasoned, but also for the people to speak. "

The case occurred long ago, the newspaper had received threatening phone calls. November 7 to 14 am, a woman call our news hotline threat. The woman claimed that because of oversight newspaper reports leading to retaliation against the newspaper. Wiring reporter asked the woman referred for which papers reported that the woman did not answer reporters' questions, said a few hard words will hang up the phone.

If I go see a neighbor told, she did not know what it would be labeled as

"If I go out in time to see that she does not know what it would be labeled!" Tenants go see the incident yesterday recalled the night of the uprising, the still lingering fear.

"That people start too hard, is not you who had a reported move forward?" The household, "said reporter to speak for the people, the people support you, you also must pay attention to their own safety."

Security community say the newspaper reported supervise justice, did not think so arrogant criminals, dare to be personal revenge, hope the police solve the case as soon as possible.

The impression of security, Le Qian usually very gentle and polite,http://www.wowhealer.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=213327#p213327, often affectionately greet them hello. "That day, I opened the door for her, and she like before politely thanked me, and then loaded the bag carrying items out of the car."

Police investigations have established a task force to investigate

Night of the incident, the Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Branch Secretary Meng Jianzhong after hearing the west, immediately rushed to the hospital to visit Yue Qian and understand the case.

Mengju Zhang said the attack on the news media, senior management, nature is very bad. As the police jurisdiction, they will be investigated in the end. Regardless of where the case involves an individual or which units, public security will enforce the law, bring perpetrators to justice as soon as possible.

Currently west Interpol brigade has been investigating the matter. Yesterday, reporters learned that the Public Security Bureau west of the relevant evidence has been extracted overnight.

Stone introduces new police instructor Lin Zhensheng, west, west Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau of Interpol has deployed brigade and the new stone police handling the case jointly present west branch has set up a task force to investigate.

Provincial Journalists condolences to do a good reporter harder brutally honest

Journalists Chairman segment recorded Pei Hebei Province to visit the newspaper's deputy editor in chief was beaten and injured

Yesterday, the segment recorded Pei Correspondents Association and Vice President of Hebei Province, Dong Yi went to the hospital to visit the injured newspaper reporter, asked in detail about the injury, the segment recorded Pei said the newspaper run well, people will watch, people like to watch on the big influence If do some critical reports, it is bound to be someone uncomfortable.

"Do correspondent difficult to make a good reporter harder to say the truth." Segment recorded Pei said, the provincial Journalists Association will recommend to the relevant departments to effectively protect the rights of news reporters interviewed reported.

Night of the incident,http://forum.leggendemetropolitane.net/default.aspx?g=posts&t=403814, the Hebei Provincial Communist Youth League secretary WANG Xiaodong, deputy secretary Zhang Zefeng after hearing the news rushed to the hospital to visit. WANG Xiaodong, said the League Committee on the matter attention. Hebei Youth Daily is a vibrant, dare to play the role of the media, the League Committee will continue to spare no effort to support the work of the news coverage of Hebei Youth Daily.

? Collect clues to solve?

The assailant characteristics,http://www.fudabbs.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, time and route of escape

At 20:20 on the 21st or so, the culprit out of the cell door Sheng Jingjia Park, South Street, turn right in the fast lane along the south all the way to run. At that time a lot of cars on the road, the man in the middle of the vehicle back and forth interludes. Went to the New Stone Road and South Street intersection, the intersection of multiple motor vehicles, assailants disappeared in traffic.

According to witnesses recalled that this person wearing a baseball cap, between 1.72 meters to 1.75 meters tall, aged 30 to 35 years old.

Newspaper readers collect clues to solve the special hotline: ■ text / reporter Li Mohan clouds Gubei ■ photo / reporter Wang Yongbo