
According to market Star newspaper reported that the mother worried about children traveling thousands of miles. Let 82-year-old grandmother the night of uneasy smell is not only the son unaccounted for, as well as creditors do anything dun tricks. "Spray paint and write, placed a wreath yard, outside firecrackers ......" a reference to those, inviting smell blood grandmother,, the whole body trembling with anger.

Yesterday morning, the provincial capital of Chen Village Road, 1st floor of a unit building homes Court West, the smell of my grandmother got up later, they discovered the courtyard stood two wreaths, suddenly looked pale. What exactly is the dispute has to be resorted to so terrifying tricks?

Surrounded by residential buildings painted intimidation

When reporters rushed to the incident yesterday morning unit building, in front of the concrete floor of the adjacent building, leaving two rows of black paint sprayed on the fonts used, and walk north, is a painting words,, the continuation of several meter long road out of the cell floor "siege," it stopped short in front of a painted floor unit, which is the smell of Grandma's temporary residence.

By identifying the font, the effect was found with Qianzhaihuanqian relevant, full of foul language.

Asked is what people too,, heard the grandmother whole body trembled, just reach for a cup full of water, sprinkled the half. In the reporter's comfort, long before restore calm.

"That is my son does not live up to expectations to blame." Wen said the grandmother, son A strong (a pseudonym) has more than 50 years old, retired. Because of gambling, early and his wife divorced.

Before Qingming, A strong call to be gamblers play cards, out of control, due to a front man surnamed Qiu about 50,000 yuan gambling debts.

"A strong money yet, there is no way to borrow money everywhere." After A strong invite each other to be controlled in the residence staff, after pleading A strong friend, Mat was only 30,000 dollars to protect it.

"Now the other side to gambling debts owed by more than 20,Nouveau Mode Abercrombie & Fitch Homme T-shirts 1048 Pas Cher,,000 yuan, dun come again and again." This group of people unaccounted see A strong, then eyeing A strong octogenarian mother.

Dun not a Sunzhao

Wen grandmother introduced, at 21:00 on the 15th and more, myself asleep shortly after, I heard firecrackers outside in,, "I was also played a puzzled look and so on up the next morning, only to find the original creditor in trouble."

In the first floor of the hospital, on which stood two wreaths, as written on the above elegiac tribute to the deceased's Word, smell my grandmother to see, and looked pale.

At this point, there is a neighbor to smell Grandma reflect all outside was painted a cement road. "Two or three young men are dry, then put a finish to hang out firecrackers and ran."

Wen grandmother gingerly make the alarm call, followed by the area police arrived, the two wreaths away, and arrange content property spray painted personnel to cover treatment.

Wen said the grandmother,, this is not the first time. Previously, the other in order to collect debts, and even throw a brick balcony windows smashed, "scared me more than a week in hospital."

Today, his son unaccounted for, creditors abuses letting Grandma unbearable smell. Affectionate lick calf still smell grandma told reporters express their ideas, "I want to talk to each other, can not put price pressure point down,, even if it is to borrow money, he gave me on, otherwise, this is a day when head. "

Anhui Attend lawyer Huang Lili introduced, this request debt gang intimidation, in violation of the principles of public order and good morals, and any damage to the victim of property, the circumstances are serious, their behavior had constituted the crime of trouble.

Currently, the police have been involved in the area to investigate the case, to find each other's identity. (Zhang Min Huang Yang Yang)

(Original title: children unaccounted owed a gambling debt,, creditors octogenarian mother was threatened)


Chung Yeung Festival just past the old thinking has not gone respecting and loving. We are always looking for respect and care for the old way, in fact, the answer lies in the life bit by bit into: When old people encounter inconvenience, as long as the "look after", put yourself in their think ; was behind them on everything, and give them some multi-tolerant, considerate and caring, it will make them feel "old age" warmth.

Come from Huxian beams that hold old Granny free discount card can take the bus, the bus driver did not think to tell her not to use, insisting that her coin, she reluctantly voted for him only a dollar, but also the attitude of the driver It is not good to say,, "To get a free ride on the back of Hu County," which made her very hurt ......

Old Man: Why can not tolerant driver

72-year-old woman with walking beam, recently she come from Xi'an Hu County doctor, staying with relatives. At 15:00 on October 16 and more,, she rode a chicken City Po 300 bus, "I thought old age can travel free discount card, give the driver looked at, I did not expect the driver said discount card can not be used, After that I put money, said here does not recognize the card, let me sit back Huxian free car and I was just installed him a dollar, but to cast into desperation. ", supposed to be in Guangji Street Station She sat in the car trance station,, car door slightly to the west was hurried off, who has no money, "had endured foot foot pain points, limped to go back." That night, sad Lianglao I could not sleep too late.

Yesterday morning, the beam holding an old woman complained to hand write a letter to the newspaper: "I feel very scared." In the last paragraph of the letter,, Granny Leung wrote: "Everyone will be old friends ...... hope drivers They can be tolerant of some of the old people. "

Team: the elderly has apologized

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter contacted the 300 bus belongs bus from Xian Co., Ltd. Mr. Li said the staff would immediately verified,, if true, would criticize and educate drivers, Granny Leung rushed to apologize.

After that, Lee replied: "The understanding of the drivers really doing a good job, we have criticized his education, the driver said, do not know the specific circumstances of the elderly, the elderly did not think will bring so much trouble, we have to old phone to apologize, hoping to get her understanding. "Lee said, as the service industry, they have been asked the driver from the human point of view to passenger service, particularly the elderly, and will particularly emphasize this point.

Extended Service: 6 outlets can do old bus IC card

The age of 70 years old, can be held in Xi'an elderly discount card and ID card, photocopy, 2-inch and 10 yuan a red background photo to the bus two insurance companies, three bus companies, bus five companies, five junctions Cross southwest corner Shou Kadian, labor Road 24 bus dispatch station, Daqing Road 611 bus dispatch station six outlets for seniors free bus IC card. Newspaper reporter Xiao Lin

ID cards do not return home

Centenarians not receive subsidies

OAA subsidies to handle passbooks, for the passbook to use second-generation ID card, but the old man back to the origin now living in Xi'an inconvenience Fuping apply for identity cards, so this 102-year-old can not receive subsidies for their own old age.

Embarrassed: Office ID card to get back home

Shirley exhibition this year has been 102 years old, the elderly, a few years ago in order to better take care of her old man's grandson took her to his home from Fuping Xian live together. Before this year,air max pas cher, the old man has received a subsidy from the rich countries County Civil Affairs Bureau, the elderly, the subsidies are in the form of cash, receive every six months by the Fuping family once.

Earlier this year, the Civil Administration issued notice to change the form of subsidies, and the future of subsidies will sink to the elderly directly from the bank in the name of the book, to provide identification of the elderly, the Civil Administration uniform handling passbooks and bank passbook handling required to use two generation ID card, but they do not have second-generation ID card. Police said the police station to apply for identity cards to my camera, but the elderly mobility has been dragged down. Thus,, since the beginning of this year had the old man no longer receive subsidies.

To this end, several elderly family members to apply for the Civil Administration also hopes to coordinate unresolved. The end of August this year,, the elderly came back to do a second-generation ID card Fuping, but unfortunately the day of the household registration system failure is not accomplishing. Ms. Sun Qi old daughter, said: "Although my grandmother's body good, but after all, old, back Fuping family are very worried, no longer willing to take the risk."

Solution: Photos can be returned home

In order to resolve the matter, Ms. Qi October 16 to Fuping County Civil Affairs Bureau called to ask this again, a staff member told her that the Civil Administration Office on Aging is coordinating to resolve the matter.

Yesterday, Fuping County Civil Affairs Bureau,, Office on Aging, said a staff member surnamed Yu, Shirley circumstances show that they know the elderly, Office on Aging has arranged finance staff to coordinate the matter with the bank, the bank can hope to everything, to the elderly to do a book , but it takes some time.

Domicile elderly woman in the town of Fuping County Public Security Bureau, the town police station, a police said that at present apply to the police station to be photographed apply for identity cards, and the elderly in Xi'an, the police on-site service is not very realistic. In view of the special circumstances the elderly, can make her the photo shoot well in Xi'an, the town passed a woman in the town designated studio, photo no problem, then you can entrust her family to handle ID card.

Newspaper reporter Zhang Chenglong


Yangcheng Evening News reporter Huang Liang, correspondent Lulu Ming, Zhang Yin-ting reports: Guangzhou "90" thunder sound waves college, graduation not full month, its rate of mobile software development team was to price 60 million yuan Tencent wholly-owned acquisitions Ray with the fastest speed to become "millionaires." After rapid wealth, his parents shixing county to buy a best house, but still maintained its own no house no car simple character. This year, his company in the recruitment of new people, some jobs marked "only recruit college students," reflects its "Heroes Mowen source" concept of employment.

Tencent to acquire the company 60 million yuan

Ray is a sound wave 90 students, in September 2009, he enrolled in Vocational and Technical College of Guangdong AIB professional game,, which is a newly opened school year professional. In college, thunder sound waves on the phone had a strong interest in the software, often spare time copying the phone's desktop, Internet browsing the latest technological developments. He made the phone evaluation posts on the forum, has been named the essence of posts Sticky Pacific network. Ray acoustic waves in a small circle of schools, but it has many resources on the internet, he met via the Internet entrepreneurial team members. A sophomore, he made UI design (refer to the software's human-computer interaction, operating logic, interface aesthetics of the overall design) determination after graduation.

2011 summer thunder sound waves in the online acquainted with several friends came to Shenzhen after 80, rented a small houses not seen the sun all day long, consisting of a six-man team, began the mobile software development trip. Ray waves whispered:. "During that time, the scope of our activities less than 500 meters, sometimes for more than 30 hours of overtime," sophomore summer has not yet been finished, the team's first product, "Brush Wizard" formally launched the first version of the test . In the evening, six people in the dark room near the barbecue stalls get drunk,, depressed mood release into tears.

Soon, the sound of thunder waves where teams get one million of angel investment funds. In mid-August 2011, the team incorporated Technology Co., Ltd., one of the members of the network called "bottle", so they named the company "Shenzhen Technology Co. bottle." With the end of the sound waves thunder team received a 18 million yuan investment in shares. In 2012, Baidu, Shanda, Tencent and other Internet giants began to get involved in brush industry, the size of the other competitors continue to emerge, the industry faced enormous pressure of competition, the team accelerated iterative product updates, continue to maintain a leading position in the industry, has won the domestic Internet giant favor and attention.

August 2012,tiffany outlet, that is not mine to sound waves graduation month, Tencent CEO personally, to 60 million yuan, a wholly owned company acquired thunder sound waves. Each member of the team have been rewarded, Ray Lang whispered, no one thought there such a good result, six people came to celebrate again roadside barbecue stalls.

With the "pot of gold" to their parents to buy the best room

Just out of college to get this wealth do you feel? Ray said only one sentence sound waves; "Parents no longer have to be so hard." If not finished, he could not help but burst into tears. Get the pot of gold of life, thunder sound waves did not buy a car for himself, but in Shaoguan Shixing county bought a house to the best local parents. He said: "I am still young,, needs most is sinking heart, car, house stuff predisposes impetuous." Until now, he was no room in Shenzhen, car-owners.

From a Sentimental students suddenly become millionaires,, this entrepreneurial path went today,, thunder sound waves mixed feelings. He said: "Entrepreneurship is not by acting alone,, the need for efficient division of labor team,, each person must be able to work independently brave challenge difficult to play the pressure is a very exciting part of life, not impetuous not hypocritical, good at summing up experience and intentions fail. to precipitate in order to get more growth. "

Earlier this year, the company the whole of society recruitment,, hiring plans in the 11 posts, there are seven positions specified to recruit college students. It seems that this group of 90 entrepreneurial talent team concept is not limited to the highly educated.

(Original title: Guangzhou after 90 month of university graduates into millionaires)


Metropolis Daily News newspaper reporter Zhou Lei father and two generations because of a quarrel eight dialed 110.72-year-old dad to find justice, and his son insisted sever relations, mainly due to two generations of people unable to communicate, especially in on parenting child's point of view on -

Differences between father and son continued to granddaughter

Some time ago, who lives in Jianghan District, 72-year-old Li Tang Jiadun Street dad, sent a letter to the street justice, and the son said to disinheritance.

He said in the letter that he and her mother and the eldest son of a family of three lived together. Son, daughter-usually busy with work, take care of the burden falls on the kindergarten granddaughter and the mother of his shoulders. Each day the children go to school, after school,, eating, dressing,, by the old couple to dishes. They turn around after the kids all day.

Let daddy angry is not only the son of a wife without saying thank,, but also the old fault-finding. Lee dad said the children something to eat at night, the elderly get, throw things, said his son looked after the kids can not eat brushing; child likes to play outside with the children, the elderly have to bring his son to say crazy sweat sick who to manage; cold weather, the old man said to his son wife said no more clothes plus ......

It is these little things about his granddaughter, there are always differences between two generations, constantly bickering. Lee dad can not figure out - is his son and his wife raised, and for raising granddaughter they have experience.

Lee dad said, arguing fiercely, he played 8 times 110, requested the police to judge solve the problem.

Difficult to communicate with each side two generations

5-door mediation neighborhood, street Office on Aging and other departments have mediation. After a recent street justice elderly received the letter, but also to find old son Mike.

Li complained, the elderly children, never have to follow their own ways and opinions,, and does not listen to their advice. He said that the old man is very fond of children,, but sometimes pet too overdone,chaussures nike air max, is blindly spoiled. They worry that it will affect the growth of children.

Li said that some entrenched views of the elderly, only on their own experience, and his own difficult for them to communicate. Daughter also believe that their hearts would like to thank the elderly, but two generations on the idea of ​​raising children have deep gap.

For the kids, not two generations trouble and this situation in some families, especially families of two generations living together is particularly prevalent. Wuchang Chan, reported her daughter to kindergarten five interest groups, and the mother daughter spend money but also let the children feel tired; Hankou Zheng mother saw four-year-old grandson was bullied in kindergarten when ran forward reprimanded other children, son believes children should solve their own problems. "Children should not play, the elderly can not say," some young parents with children things screenwriters.

Can step back and empathy?

Tang Jiadun street justice director Lee dad when it comes to the family said, every elderly people selflessly sacrifice everything for their children, not in return for help with children, but sometimes I had love and dedication, but let the children feel a burden .

For the young couple,, they think it is only natural for the elderly to take care of their grandchildren, and not expressing gratitude; others too dependent elderly.

Lack of communication between the two sides exchange or difficult, and finally both feel physically and mentally exhausted. Liuyou Hua believes that the two sides should empathy. Old people should have their own life, do not wholeheartedly in children. Only they find happiness, they can become easier. Children do not always hear nagging and complaining.

Not long ago,"/, according to the proposal Lee dad and son's home near his wife rented a house. Monday to Friday, the elderly to send their children to school, pick up their kids in charge of his son a wife back home. Weekend with the children by their parents.

When Liuyou Hua telephone interviews for the elderly,, the elderly say that fewer and son quarrel, both sides know each other understand.


It is now a large listing of fresh corn season, a lot of people like to eat Nanjing new corn just listed, and tender. So, Nanjing street stalls doing business boiled corn increased significantly. But you know? This corn recognized "whole grains, healthy food" Now may also change the taste: eat tastes, fragrance mouthful of boiled corn, is likely to be some kind of additive "credit"!

Recently, Xi'an, Harbin, Shenyang, burst out, "cyclamate corn," the news, the reporter for several major downtown Nanjing and some market stalls near the boiled corn had conducted a thorough investigation,, and finally opened a street in Nanjing "sweet corn" true colors.

The reporter Xie Yao text / photo


"Boss,, to corn." The day before yesterday, the reporter came to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, a canteen.

"To sweet or not sweet?" Stall asked. "To a sweet." Reporters strange: "? How sweet and not sweet corn as well as the sub-ah" very skilled boss to reporters remove a corn wrap, but the reporter's question was vague replied: " Our stock is not the same species, boiled sweet corn there, and some not sweet. "

Subsequently, a girl has come to buy a two, while the pay side of praise: "It is your home corn delicious, home cooked my own not so fragrant!" This time, reporters and more strange. I did not expect the boss is more rhetoric: "Of course, you buy varieties not, this is my special boiled corn, delicious." Reporter could not help but ask: "Are you sure, and we cook at home way the same? "" Of course. "boss unequivocal answer.


A street vendor to slip:

Added a "material", but eat absolutely no production problems

Yesterday, the reporter went to the wholesale market near an operating Jinqiao corn booth, where the roasted corn and boiled corn piled full of a car, business is booming.

Reporters grilled corn while gnawing praise the boss: "This is really fragrant and sweet corn, sugar is too delicious to put it!?" Probably because I did not expect good business reasons, the boss did not have any alert, bluntly replied: "That much money put sugar, ah, a roasted corn I sold three, I make it?"

"That which ye corn so sweet it? '" Is very simple, ah, is raising a point of' material '. "But no matter how reporters trying to inquire what is added in the end," material ", the boss refused to explain it. But repeated assurances that "no problem eating this material, do this business almost all Canadian." Reporters said they did not believe that the bosses simply pocket the end: "Even when I bake without, we can take stock of all time semi-finished products,, which had been added after the take back, add a little boiling water and cook also, fire roasted also, anyway, are eating sweet. "


Plus in the end is what?

With "cyclamate" soak overnight, then cook sweet

Well, this allows the corn tastes become "material" in the end what is it? Reporter Afterward, they went to a farmer's market to inquire. In front of a sell raw corn stalls, reporters ask: "You go home to cook the corn how I feel obviously not sold out a sweet ah?" Hear reporters say, stall gave away the secret: "They cook when added sodium cyclamate, of course, you eat sweet! "

May be subject to "wronged" too much, simply chatted up the stall told reporters, "sweet and not sweet corn variety is not only the reason, in fact,, plainly now selling sweet corn are not too bad. Lot of selling cook corn come here to purchase, how they make corn sweetened I do not know, "said the stall, the practice is easy:? with cyclamate water the day before taking a dip in the corn,, cook a chance to spend the night, on sweet corn .

"Early have done so, to sell corn is so dry." Then the boss told reporters, boiled sweet corn had better grasp the degree of sodium cyclamate, "If after cyclamate blisters, cooking time and then plus sodium cyclamate, you add too much corn will become bitter, simply do not eat, "More than that, he also continues to reporters Secret:."? some particularly tasty corn you smell it that added a base, slightly pinched a little is enough. "

"Young people like to eat sweet corn, without words, but the business than others, but if you eat yourself, it is best to go back to boil and cook raw buy it, at least at ease." The stall sincerely advised reporters.

"Come" Secret:

Winter also sell corn and corn flavor and color

Through a friend's introduction, the reporter also found a cook who sold corn vendors. The "come" the Secret leaving surprised reporters: "Now is the season, add some corn cyclamate on the line if it is winter, it sells are stored corn, Naga have put on more corn flavor. to taste, put the pigment so that color bright, but anyway, what time should be put cyclamate As much put, there are a few long dry. "

Reporters visited

Not only sell wholesale cyclamate

More of the "upgraded product" corn flavor

Nanjing filled with boiled sweet corn, are relying on cyclamate to sweeten it? In order to verify this claim, the reporter then went to Nanjing, a condiment wholesale market.

When asked whether there cyclamate sold, the reporter found that only a minority owner said, "because the consumption of excessive amounts of sodium cyclamate harmful" So do not sell, sell most of the facade are all cyclamate, and are placed in a prominent position.

Spices in a wholesale store, told reporters that want to buy so that when boiled corn sweetened "material", the shopkeeper immediately enthusiastically recommend "cyclamate." The owner said it forever: "I'm here every day to go a great amount of sodium cyclamate,, except with boiled corn, but basically you can put all the sweets but recently boiled corn or to buy up, or else corn. ! what is so sweet ah "He also assured reporters Weapon said:" If someone asks you why so sweet, you say new varieties of corn are good, and they also come to you to ensure that you buy "!

Reporters then approached the owner to ask the amount of sodium cyclamate, he shook his head and he is not sure the specific use, but did not indicate the bags. "But listen sell corn speaking, every time there is no quasi-cook a pot of corn to catch a little to taste the flavor. Would continue to increase, if not sweet enough, add sweet on the line, you go back and try to know the. "

What is surprising is that the owner immediately ED reporter recommend a new product: "corn flavor." He "taught" the reporter said:. "Now the market is dying light plus cyclamate also sell sweet corn alone is not enough, but also fragrant, then use the corn flavor of the" subsequent owner of the ED also showed reporters a bottle corn flavor powder.

Reporters took the owner to the corn flavor, through the packaging inside the bottle can smell a strong scent. The owner said that although only a small bottle, but very easy to use, each with a little bit on the line.

Online selling cyclamate

Cheaper, sales is booming

Reporters opened Taobao enter "cyclamate",, after the search found cyclamate in line to buy the same fire. Reporter eleven View shop sales records and found that some shops trading as high as ten times a day. Also surprising is the reporter found on the Internet the same size in the wholesale market to buy the same brand name products, but prices vary greatly. In the wholesale market, the reporter bought 1 kg of sodium cyclamate spent 18 yuan, while online this product only needs $ 3.6.

The reporter then iterate cyclamate prices of other brands found online sale of specifications for large price difference 1 kg of sodium cyclamate, ranging from 3.6 yuan to 35 yuan. Reporters then contacted a shop owner, he told reporters that the price difference with the specifications online cyclamate such a big reason is different purity, "written on the packaging of some cyclamate purity of 98%, in fact, did not."

Boiled corn can be added cyclamate it?

Boiled corn in food additives may be added if it? This newspaper carried understanding.

Cook corn allowed to add sodium cyclamate

According to "food additives health standards" (GB2760) The provisions of our 2011 new release of the Ministry of Health,karen millen soldes, "cyclamate" can be used as a sweetener, its use, such as biscuits, bread, ice cream, beverages, etc., using the maximum amount of 0.65 g / kg; maximum use of orange peel, plum, etc. is 8.0g/kg. But boiled corn or roasted corn in ability to use, the amount is much, but there is no requirement.

Experts, at present, China has approved more than 1500 kinds of food additives, a considerable part of the national standards yet. "Food additives health standards" set forth in the use of food additives and the use of a limited range of food types in the standard has not been mentioned, it means that the country has not been approved for use in food additives in the class. It can be seen, in which to cook the corn is allowed to add food additives.

"Food additives such as corn flavor, only seeds, moon cake, biscuits and other foods which have a corresponding amount of the standard, in which there is no corresponding boiled corn using standard if users are free to add, the amount of control is not good, probably due to the Adding excessive harm to the human body. "Quality Supervision Bureau experts. But parties also said that because of boiled corn and roasted corn vendors to flow in the majority, "it is difficult to manage."

Eating too much sodium cyclamate liver injury

Reporters learned that, although it is a food additive sodium cyclamate, but the state of its scope and amount have very strict rules, if the abuse and excessive use, would cause great harm to the human body.

According to reports, cyclamate is a non-nutritive synthetic sweetener, which is 30 times the sweetness of sucrose. To add sugar in food production, the cost will be higher, lower costs for production companies often consider using a small amount of sodium cyclamate, you can create a "sweet" effect.

Originally their nutritional value of corn is very high, but if added excessive, excessive dosages of sodium cyclamate or other food additives,, not only will damage the original nutritional value, but also bring some harm to the human body. For example, damage to the liver, nervous system effects, especially for the elderly, pregnant women, children, infants, the impact is enormous.

USA and Canada disable cyclamate

Reporters learned that, in 1969, received the American Academy of Sciences National Research Council of experimental evidence concerning cyclamate carcinogens, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations for this publication now severely restricted, and in August 1970 issued a command a total ban until today still not lift the ban. Followed by Canada and other countries have also banned the use of cyclamate in food. Complex

Newspaper reminder:

If you eat boiled sweet corn child is overweight, eating corn on the cob can be sucked out of the sweet child, it may be added that cyclamate. Also, do not eat too much emphasis on taste boiled corn, corn taste a little bland but relatively safe.


Last May 30, Jiangning District 11-year-old boy every day (a pseudonym) on the way to school was splashed sulfuric acid. Police arrest suspect in town. The next morning the murderer Cai Shilin surrendered. Face, abdomen and legs every day, large area burns, was identified as secondary disabilities. And Cai Shilin suspicion of intentional assault was prosecuted. Yesterday afternoon,nike tn pas cher, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court official microblogging news release, the case will be Friday 10:00 in Nanjing Intermediate People's Court held a public hearing.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Chen Jing

The court recalled the way to school, 11-year-old boy was throwing strong acids

Last May 31 and June 1,, Yangzi Evening News reported on two consecutive days every 11-year-old boy on his way to school being splashed acid, acid throwing ex-boyfriend was actually a man Cai Shilin child's mother. Every face, chest, abdomen many are sulfuric acid corrosion. The next morning, Cai Shilin under pressure, accompanied by his brother gave himself admitted was premeditated acts of revenge. Cai Shilin said that he and the child's mother Liu interaction process, the child's mother was cheated out of more than two million,, was deliberate retaliation Ryu. The same day,, he's on the way to school every day Dunshou wait.

When every admission, Nanjing Children's Hospital intensive care doctors, 20% of the burn area third-degree burns, this is already a very heavy burns. After three months of treatment, the end of August last year, the day was discharged home recuperating, and other wounds long is good, then consider plastic surgery.

After the injury, the child can only breathe through your mouth every day

Multi-day dad on site labor, primary care after discharge from the grandmother and aunt. Recently,, the reporter contacted Ms. Xu aunt every day. She introduced recuperating at home this time, did not do anything for treatment. Although done in the hospital 10 times the skin graft, but Ms. Xu told reporters that a child's face is still intact skin did not, but a road stripes. "Can not painted cream, face creams, nor can every day to wash with soap, rinse with warm water only." Aunt introduced by sulfuric acid etched skin itch can not even grasp,, the child can only be endured.

That disaster for small daily lost his right eye and ear, but fortunately keep the left eye is also damaged. Aunt said that when left rotation, has a damaged right eye will follow the rotation. And no suitable drugs available, in order to prevent dry eyes, just drop some common eye drops. Because there is no nose, he can go to bed every night open mouth breathing. In addition, every day in front of the neck also has a injured after sulfuric acid spill cause skin involved together, he has been slightly bowed his head.

Psychiatrist with a guitar for his intervention, the favorite bomb "Little Star"

Aunt, after the home from the hospital, stayed at home every day, "out of the province, others saw pointing." In the hospital, every day, suddenly fell in love with a small guitar, dad to spend hundreds of dollars to buy him one. These days, when nothing he picked up guitar playing. After the incident, his family hired a psychiatrist, the doctor himself is also a guitar enthusiast, also test the class, he wanted to soothe little every day through the guitar. Every Sunday,, the teacher will teach him to read music at home. Aunt says his favorite songs is "little star" and has been able to complete bomb down.

Psychology teacher will accompany him to chat in the game. Aunt said, I feel every day is still very happy most of the time, it is not think about it, love is also very rich, and usually also play chess, or 5-year-old brother to accompany the carefree play a pass. Initially, he will sleep nightmares, but now it will not. Family did not because of the encounter, they spoil him everywhere. "We should criticize him or criticize him, he is hoping to create a natural environment, like what had happened, or actually aggravate his psychological pressure."

Plastic costs or to one million children look forward to go back to school

Ms. Xu said, in fact, only the front of his family every day so relaxed and happy,, just come home, he would hide, even if it is a good partner before. Occasionally miss school every day to bring teachers and students also came to see him occasionally. But this time, every day, hid in his room, just through the door and the small student chat.

"We do not want him to grow up, how how can only hope that his good health, a happy heart." In addition, they can put their hopes in shaping children can look forward to shaping the early back to school. The doctor told them that if you want the whole thing well take at least 1 million. This huge costs became family heart disease.

Imminent trial, the defendant is not optimistic about the ability of compensation

Reporters learned that the injury has produced identification results every day, are identified secondary disabilities. Prosecutors suspect to suspicion of intentional assault, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. It is understood that the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court is ready to work before the hearing. Yesterday afternoon, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court official microblogging @ Nanjing V Court issued a notice that will be March 14, Friday morning in municipal court Cai Shilin second open court hearing the case of intentional injury. Accordance with the procedures, the court will notify the parties of the family present in the courtroom, but the family is not yet known whether they come.

According aunt introduced every day, every father has commissioned a lawyer, filed a criminal incidental civil action, but the specific amount of compensation has not been finalized. They had hopes compensation,, but informed its debt, and the relevant authorities did not find property, did not dare to count on it. Reporters learned that the case the judge repeated efforts, hoping Cai Shilin and their families as far as possible compensation. But Cai Shilin As adults, their families and there is no statutory obligation for compensation on behalf of, the compensation current situation is uncertain.

(Original title: disfigured boy was afraid and wanted to go to school, but the students met)


Metropolis Daily News yesterday 9:00 to 11:00,, "the police and even the heart Bridge" hotline second opening, very hot. A citizen said he did not reflect the problems below, Huangshi Municipal Public Security Bureau Deputy Secretary Wang Zhihuai immediately said -

All to pass the buck to each other sanctions

Trainee reporter Wang Xiao, "Hello, this is the police and even the heart Bridge hotline, is there any help to you it?" Yesterday 9:00,, Huangshi Municipal Public Security Bureau principal leaders of various departments in Yellowstone Municipal Public Security Bureau meeting room again public connection site to answer questions masses. "Bridge police and even the heart" campaign to connect two hours,, a total of 25 public calls,, the department heads of the issues raised by the masses for a detailed answer.

Do not re-number generation ID driver's license

Mr Tang said that in October this year, he chose the car driving license exam, after completing all the formalities found it impossible to apply for a driver's license, as it has been used a generation ID card for a driver's license, because of its generation to generation ID card with another person's identity Heavy card number, that person use this handle motorcycle driver's license number.

Household security detachment responsible person to answer: the phenomenon of re-generation ID card number is very common, Tang can go to check Vehicle Administration,, and his heavy number of people contact, good communication between both sides, went to the Vehicle Administration for the new procedures. If the person refuses, the relevant departments will stop motorcycle man examined the procedures and formalities as soon as Deng handle driver's license.

Wang Zhihuai scene boomed pass the buck to each other

Chen calls people to reflect his particular branch of October to reflect the situation in Yellowstone, Branch Secretary to answer the call to let him look after the chief,scarpe hogan outlet, then let him find the answer chief captain, the captain said they would hear the survey, the results of no below .

Huangshi Municipal Public Security Bureau Deputy Secretary Wang Zhihuai listened Chen reflection scene boomed: "!? After such a thing happen again pass the buck, to dispose of all the people are satisfied with how to make this work."

"Deceleration zone useless, remove forget."

10:15, Liu open up the phone the first thing people say: "Your hard phone call came,, from 9:00 to hit me now, has been the talk of the state."

Liu said that the deceleration zone Daye Alex did not play a role Village shop, night fights villagers were unable to rest. "Either it increased, so slow down the vehicle passes; either remove just such underachievement, drivers simply ignore these speed humps.."

Daye City Public Security Bureau deputy director of the WU Bin Liu told, after the end of the event go directly to Alex village shop at the scene, Mr. Liu reflect true if the situation will immediately contact the police department.

I hope to do Police Association nephew on the right path

Wu call to reflect, to live with her nephew recently had a crush on voice platform, often called voice platform with chat, phone bills a month, more than 700 yuan, Wu fear addicted nephew, stopped the own plane, I did not expect nephew even went to another home landline continue to call chat. Xisaishan Public Security Bureau after receiving the alarm several times to educate their nephew. Wu said that, later, she has a crush on gambling nephew, has more than 20,,000 yuan of debt owed. She hoped that the leadership of the Public Security Bureau of Xisaishan make her nephew when a Police Association, allowed on the right path.

Xisaishan Public Security Bureau official told Wu that the current Police Association staff is full, go back to discuss with the leaders after the end of the event, to meet the requirements of Wu, nephew to help her get rid of bad habits.

Hotlines appear "three-liter three-down"

Huangshi Municipal Public Security Bureau Deputy Secretary Wang Zhihuai told reporters after the "police and even the heart of the bridge," the long-term patency down, every month at 9:00 on the 15th to 11:00 will be opened, after the limited period,, and timely feedback, unified management The situation reflects the same day on the same day to respond.

Wang Zhihuai introduced Huangshi open "the police and even the heart Bridge" hotline after public feedback on the objective of public security work showing a "three-liter three-down" situation: do households increased significantly accreditation consulting services issues, such as public security, law enforcement is not to report complaints of police decreased norms; recommended remediation security mess, fire hazards, and provide clues to crimes increased significantly, reflecting the Law Enforcement uncivilized, decreased internal management problems; commended the police to perform their duties conscientiously, standardize law enforcement, public security work to understand significantly increased, not satisfied with the attitude of the police on the front line decreased significantly.