
A 16-year-old boy Xiao Ming, a 18-year-old boy Xiaoqiang, they both liked the girl meng. In order to "prove" their deeper feelings for the girl, in front of small adorable face, Xiao Ming and small have jumped into the lake and strong, was rescued by passers-by Xiaoqiang, while Xiao Ming left this world forever. Xiao Ming hearing the distraught parents, and afterwards will Xiaoqiang and meng family while court,http://tu.linuxaudiosystems.com/node/6#comment-51827686, asked to assume Xiaoming death compensation totaling 48 million yuan. March 8, Xuzhou City,http://bbs.doit.com.cn/?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the Drum Tower District Court after mediation, strong families and small meng compensation Xiao Ming parents were 40,http://columbiact.calypsobluepoolandspa.com/?q=comment/reply/19,000 and 20,http://trip.eeke.net/node/9#comment-102776,000 yuan.

There is no particular beginning of this puppy love story. Xiao Ming and girls junior high school classmate Xiao-meng, the two alternate good,http://www.haokc.com/space/space.php?uid=845156&do=blog&id=1199262, followed by exchanges on QQ. The older boy two years old Xiao Ming Xiao Qiang, is a distant relative meng, the two met six years ago. Shortly before the incident,http://www.qichelvyou.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1471937, meng and Xiaoqiang meet the relatives wedding, feelings initiation.

Soon, Xiao Ming and Xiaoqiang all know each other's existence, they refused to give in on the QQ, tried to persuade the other exit. Xiao Ming asked Xiaoqiang: meng like you said, that you are willing to die for her to do? Xiaoqiang replied simply: certainly willing to her that I can do anything, what is regarded as dead.

About last year at 18:00 on August 12, Xiaoming about meng out to dinner,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, after dinner, he proposed to let meng about Xiaoqiang out, so meng Xiaoqiang a telephone call to evening 9:00,longchamp soldes, Xiaoqiang taxi to the bridge . Meeting did not say a few words, Xiao Ming, pointing lake on Xiaoqiang said: Did not you say meng willing to die? Then you danced! Xiaoqiang that Xiao Ming joking, Xiao Ming was repeated twice, in order to show affection for meng, Xiaoqiang "splash" jumped into the lake. Xiao Ming look Xiaoqiang really jump in the lake,http://www.qzwjjc.com/news/html/?6657.html, not to be outdone and jumped down. They soon exhausted, began to shout for help. Lake passers rescued little strong, but unfortunately can Xiaoming drowned.

Xiao Ming parents got the news his son drowned in deep sorrow. On November 20 last year, will be taken to court meng and Xiaoqiang, after investigation, a small lake jump clear of their own, but Xiaoqiang and meng's parents agreed to pay Xiao Ming parents 20,000 and 40,000 yuan compensation. (Party is a pseudonym) correspondent Li Yun Sun newspaper reporter to spend the winter at Aviva