
In addition, Liu said, the plant construction from 1994 it has been for 16 years, had not yet appeared in one case similar LiuMeiZhao now suffering from illness.

Liu Mu believes that her daughter is being caused by poisoning,http://bbs.xdnao.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=52977, Nanfang Hospital, was diagnosed with thallium poisoning after Liu, Liu is also suspected of poisoning caused by others.

Dr. Lau is the first case of thallium poisoning workers in Dongguan, she was identified as thallium poisoning, the media have been involved in coverage. 12 afternoon, the government of Dongguan Changan Town, Dongguan City, MIPS electronics factory workers LiuMeiZhao thallium poisoning to inform the media.

Reported that after the incident, investigators have Lau lived in rental leasing supplies and all materials within the work she has access to a total of more than 80 samples sent for testing in Guangzhou, the appropriate testing laboratory report has not yet issued .

16 pm, the relevant staff Chang'an Public Security Bureau confirmed to this reporter, testing laboratory reports are still waiting for the results obtained when exactly is still undecided.

Previously, it was suspected poisoning LiuMeiZhao with workers there about the holidays, but according to Reporters survey that LiuMeiZhao warm personality, and workers often talked and laughed. "She and the relationship between us is very good, and we often joke, poisoning should be impossible." One worker Liu Ms. Xie told this reporter.

Liu's mother said,louboutin pas cher homme, "My daughter is good character, not because of what others quarrel." But she suspected her daughter was being poisoned due.

Is there conflict between LiuMeiZhao couple? Liu Mu told reporters, just a few years of marriage, the husband and wife relationship is not really good, because enrollment Lau first child when the child died, Liu Yang believes "stupid,http://gyzxw.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19832, did not go to the hospital production," but let the village The midwife deliveries.

But by the husband poisoner should be impossible, "he (her husband Liu Yang timber) to tie all the money (LiuMeiZhao) treatment in the past few years ...... their relationship is very good." Liu mother explained.

"Dad will not do." Liu's daughter said, "(He) to others borrowed ten thousand dollars (come to treat her mother)."

"How I would (Liu) start? Month I travel not to go home on the outside, the onset of her when I was still in Hubei." Yang timber told reporters,http://www.justzjg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=174384, "I have Xiangtiao Lou!" In order to treat his wife, he four to borrow money. Currently, he is also the guardian of his wife's bedside.

To have a thallium thallium

Thallium cause accidental injury to humans, but can not ignore a distant example is Hao Fengtong said in 1958, a small village in a county of Guizhou province suddenly a strange disease, a large number of villagers unexplained hair quickly stripped, between two the cumulative number of more than 400 people,http://x-sir.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=15791, after repeated investigations found to be due to thallium-rich ore caused by contaminated water.

Hao Fengtong introduction, thallium has been used to do drugs, or as a depilatory treatment of tinea capitis, due to its strong toxicity after being abandoned. As a pesticide, Thallium and its compounds are used to kill rats, insecticidal and mildew and other purposes, as environmental pollution, has been restricted or banned in many countries during use.

17, the reporter found that thallium online like other normal products as free to buy - non-formal channels, without proof, without registration.

When reporters entered the compound thallium thallium nitrate directly on Baidu, immediately jump out "professional sales thallium nitrate", "quality first-class highly pure thallium nitrate, National Delivery" and dozens of advertising options. Reporters randomly clicked on a few sites, sites are introduced with thallium nitrate and other chemicals as well as their business phone.

Subsequently, the reporter dialed online Conghua City, a company can claim that a large supply of sulfuric acid and nitric acid thallium thallium company's phone, answer the phone, Mr. Zhang who is claiming.

Reporter: "Do you have thallium nitrate sell?"

Chen: "Yes."

Reporter: "That's pure thallium can buy it?"

Chen: "thallium, then we will send you specifically, the logistics company, no one dared to thallium is something that belongs to a highly toxic."

Reporter: "one kilogram How much?"

Chen: "10000."

Reporter: "sent over to be found how to do?"

Chen: "I do not speak of this as long as you do not speak (laughs), and that you do not take this poison Oh ...... you tell me what your purpose is, or I can not do this business, oh."

Reporter: "We are used to do some tests."

Chen: "You can do the test."

Reporter: "Do you send over how to ensure the safety of?"

Chen: "I was so slightly, for example, where you want to, you give me the exact address of this stuff, see if you are still in contact with my people who are not in contact with me not with me. contacts, for example, you want to Chang'an, Dongguan Changan I'll sent, on what you have to do to get on it. "

Facts have proved that through this way to commit suicide or purchased thallium poisoning is not without example,http://www.tongji.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=984058.

May 2007, China University of Mining student Yu Chang Qing disgruntled because of three students,http://www.362122.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=4132, produced a vengeance, the net purchase of 250 g of thallium nitrate.

February 2009, a 23-year-old female university graduates, Jiangsu Ji Li, because not satisfied with their looks, for the sake of suicide, purchased 25 grams of highly toxic thallium through the network after taking nearly died, the family fortune was promptly found that the arrival at the Guangzhou Nanfang Hospital for treatment, and finally saved a life.


Hao Fengtong said that relevant departments must strengthen supervision of toxic chemicals, people can make mistakes, but do not allow the repetition of serious mistakes in the past. Order online thallium substances, leaving the opportunity for a criminal offense, mostly domestic thallium poisoning is a criminal offense, the unauthorized sale of Thallium and its compounds, must bear the appropriate criminal, civil liability.

Thallium poisoning mostly poisoning

Although LiuMeiZhao poisoning is still a mystery, but she is also a past and thallium poisoning, most poisoning caused by others.

For example, Zhu Ling's family believes, never touched "thallium" Zhu Ling was deliberately poisoned. Of course, the event after ten years, the mystery is still entangled.

In 1861, British scientist Crooks (Creokes W) in the study of the spectrum of waste sulfuric acid first discovered the element thallium, thallium because of the color spectrum is emerald green, the use of the Greek word Thallos, English as Thallium.

Value of thallium is obvious. Since the 1980s, thallium is used in all aspects of electronics, military, aerospace, chemical, metallurgy, communications, etc.,http://www.jiswang.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=60644, with potential applications in optical fibers, scintillator radiation, radiation shielding materials, catalysts and superconducting materials.

Thallium, a rare metal element solution is colorless,http://powermix.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=23238, tasteless, odorless exists, but it does rains it pours. Hao Fengtong told reporters that, generally considered the minimum lethal dose of thallium adults about 12mg/kg, less than 1 gram doses may cause adults to death.

Thallium poisoning is used, which is perhaps even Brooks are unexpected. But it does happen, but the evidence is conclusive.

May 1997, 1994, Department of Chemistry, Peking University, two students were classmates voted thallium poisoning, fortunately, because of the timely rescue, were completely restored.

May 2002, Zhangqiu region has cast a beauty shop owner caused two thallium poisoning, one person died.

May 2007, China University of Mining student Yu Chang Qing disgruntled because of three students, produced a vengeance, the net purchase of 250 g of thallium nitrate. With one of the 2 mg poisoning. 3 students thallium poisoning reaction after drinking and hospitalization.

October 25, 2007, Shantou billionaire diagnosed with thallium poisoning, November 2 treatment died.

April 27, 2008, Wuhan Xinzhou District two eight people diagnosed thallium poisoning has killed one person.

April 20, 2009, not because of love, Jiayuguan Jiuquan Steel (Group) Company Deli source Ryu workers Choi and her suitor miso metal thallium powder poured in, the number of victims of 9 people.

In mid-2009 on May 10, in the Town Laiwu Gangcheng Yan Yan village, the villagers Wu uncle couple were voted thallium poisoning death. Police identified as human poisoning a neighbor's uncle Wu crime suspects were under criminal detention.

December 14, 2009 began, Guo Lijuan sisters have abdominal pain, vomiting, hair loss and so on. January 8 this year, Guo Liqin died the same day, the sisters were initially diagnosed as a rare heavy metal thallium poisoning.

In addition, there are similar abroad is considered poisoning incident, in 2000, former Russian Federal Security Service Colonel Alexander? Litvinenko defected to Britain. November 1, 2006, Alexander Litvinenko with a friend in a restaurant meal after body discomfort hospitalized. Doctors found his body Thallium seriously overweight, the police suspected that he was poisoned. After only two weeks, Litvinenko forever "defection" of the earth.