
□ Evening News reporter Mao Guanjuan Zhuling She shadow reports

Newspaper, "" a drop of fragrant "Let fragrant pot Gone" after publication, caused widespread repercussions. A Chinese restaurant after employees saw the report call the newspaper news hotline, reflecting the production of "soup" otherwise his method. "Our restaurant soup, tea process with almost!"

Reporter survey found, fragrant, delicious ribs soup, stewed pork ribs process and no one, but with a few teaspoons of "soup fine"? Some restaurant called "brewed 10 hours" or more soups, in fact, use "fine soup", "cream soup" made.

"Most shops have used this soup."

A few days ago, the newspaper received a hotline 114 news broke, whistleblowers,http://finereader.add-soft.jp, claiming to be a Chinese restaurant for the city employees, because the owner could not understand "trickery" of soup method angrily resigned. "Clearly that is ginseng ribs soup,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, soup cooking on the table is very fragrant, which also has a few ribs, but this is not the ribs soup boil out, but with a special flavor soups concocted, methods and bubble tea almost. "

Whistleblowers, said its stores standing more "cream soup" and "soup fine" when these flavorings to make soup, and long-brewed flavor really no different soup. "These flavorings itself is harmful, I do not know, but I think there are suspected to deceive consumers."

Because whistleblowers restaurant refused to provide a specific address,http://xian.wenxiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, reporters on the afternoon of September 14 came to a large CaoBao condiment market, as the owner of a small restaurant, trying to find the "cream soup" and "soup fine." Sure enough, a lot of businesses are providing such a flavoring agent. Reporters said little experience just drive under the restaurant, the owner will even enthusiastically several flavors of each sample sent reporters a copy. "These flavorings itself is no problem, that is, and spices like pepper and you want to open a restaurant,http://www.ynwxzyz.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=173440, soup of the most troublesome, honestly boil how to make money? With these effects well." The owner said,http://harp.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp,tn pas cher homme, the vast majority of restaurants called long meticulously brewed soups are masterpieces of these flavoring agents. "Just add a little bit, a pot of water will soon become fragrant soup."

This is the product description of a "soup fine" on the bag: "This product is the use of high technology to extract the flavor ingredients from a variety of rich flavor ingredients cooking ingredients, the flavor has been scientifically formulated composite material made of , set the chicken advantages and characteristics in a traditional soup, cook the dishes taste so full of flavor, taste mellow, no residue marks. "

Reporters found all kinds of soups flavoring species is very meticulous, have a special flavor flavoring soups increased, a special taste to improve the flavor soups, and even a special addition to the soup pot and cook for a long time in a bubble The "Go Mo cream." "With this easy to influence customer appetite and taste the soup pot is difficult to produce a foam." One shopkeeper said.

Hotel "thick Tang Bao" in sight ribs

September 14, the reporter visited Shanghai several restaurant. 12:00, a restaurant near People's Square there are many dining customers. Reporter ordered a "concentrated Tang Bao." Waiter explained that it is their restaurant offers soup soup, pork soup today is $ 15 a cup. Fifteen minutes later, soup and serve, reporters drank, did have strong bones flavor stocks, but drinking the soup and did not see a few ribs.

"Such a small amount of pork ribs, can proudly so thick soup?" Reporter questioned. The other said that their soup is brewed through the night, many bones have been boiled bone residue,http://ripe.s191.xrea.com/joyful/joyful.cgi/+result, so no ribs, they also added in the soup and milk ingredients, so it feels particularly strong. In another cafe, the waiter served the Laoya clear as Whitewater, taste it and Laoya less. Reporters asked the reason, the waiter said, the store called "Duck Soup" just have the taste of duck soup, is the use of "Laoya primer" modulation.

Insiders: save money and additives

Simmer duck, hen soup soup ...... these are not uncommon in major Chinese restaurant. Insiders said that many restaurants aimed at the modern city on the pursuit of fried food, dishes such competing launched to meet market needs. "In fact, these so-called chicken, duck, pigeon soup or soup bones,http://www.tukipie.net/camera/index.cgi, many of them are out of the use of food additives blending, in order to eat the soup really is not so easy to do."

Insiders said, "cream soup", "fine soup" appearance is to make the process of making soup is more efficient, so loved by many people,http://tlfilter.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=132385, some brands already famous. "But there are always some handy covet hotel, will use the" soup fine "Tom proudly dubbed the 'pork soup', 'Duck Soup' s name to deceive consumers." To do so, their goal is to reduce costs, improve soup efficiency.

Insiders also said that many soups food additive with "quick and easy" as a selling point for hotel operators as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life of young people, a good pot to boil the soup is not so easy. If you use the old hen, duck, pig, etc. stewed soup, stewed very long time. "Some stores advertised say brewed more than 10 hours, imagine if the store business is booming, there is in short supply, many shops called 'stewed time' guarantee, just a gimmick."

Select additives, flavorings modulation "soup", the process is very simple, as long as the amount of water flavoring red open, add some meat, a little cooking on it. Consumer tastes are not keen encounter, even feel concocted tastes even better than brewed. "Even to be identified, few people are willing to go and store evidence or theory."